Georgina has a wide and varied background in health and Māori community development, where her early experience as a registered nurse in public health in West Auckland shaped her interest in inproving health care outcomes, and the ways that health providers work with whānau – a journey she recognises is on-going and full of challenges. Since then, Georgina’s focus on improving services for whānau included being the National Māori Co-ordinator as part of the National Screening Unit team which established the National Breast Screening Programme. Working in Te Tai Tokerau in primary health at Hokianga Health, participating in Whānau Ora research and representing Te Rūnanga o te Rarawa on the Te Tai Tokerau PHO Board, where she became Chair. More recently, her work has been around the Te Whānau o Waipareira response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kaumātua services and health literacy, with projects in West and South Auckland. She is also a Board Member for the Māori Ethics Advisory Group WDB and ADHB. At Wai Rangahau, Georgina leads the research coordination for the Whānau House Collective Impact initiative and oversees external relationships and projects with other national research organisations.