#TimeforChange: Release of the Māori Inquiry into Oranga Tamariki – Ko te Wā Whakawhiti
Today, three reports from the Māori Inquiry into Oranga Tamariki were released.
The Inquiry was launched as a result of ongoing inaction by the New Zealand government to respond to issues in the treatment of tamariki Māori and whānau Māori within the government child and youth, care and protection system. ‘By Māori, for Māori’, this report is first and foremost about whānau. It seeks to fill the gap in understanding around the complexities at the heart of Māori realities. It stands strong as an Independent review, and was completed by Wai Research under the guidance of renowned Māori leadership, including Wai Research Pou Emeritus Professor Sir Mason Durie.
Ko te Wā Whakawhiti: It’s Time for Change is the main report and shares the process and key outcomes of the inquiry, along with information on the current situation around government care and protection of tamariki. This report provides a snapshot of relevant statistics and an analysis of historical impact and development of crown policies. It also shares major themes from submissions, interviews and hui held as part of the inquiry. The final chapter sets out changes whānau want to see, summarised in action points as a way towards a better future for whānau.
Te Mura o Te Ahi: Fighting for our Tamariki, shares whānau stories and the diverse voices of whānau who have participated in the Inquiry. These stories provide a snapshot of the treatment of whānau by Oranga Tamariki, and the severe negative impacts of the system on whānau Māori.
A summary report is also available.
Reports are available to be viewed and downloaded here: https://whanauora.nz/maori-inquiry/