Māori Research Ethics Symposium 2023
Te Whānau o Waipareira and Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi
Today we hosted a rangahau symposium on this kaupapa. For over 7 years we have had in place a Waipareira Māori Research Ethics Committee to ensure those wanting to research on and with Waipareira is approved and managed according to Waipareira Research Ethics Criteria.
Awesome to have speak today:
Professor Te Kani Kingi (Waipareira Ethics Committee Chair)
Dr Lily George (NZ Ethics Committee Former Chair)
Dr Tia Dawes (Auckland University Human Participants Ethics Committee Former Member)
Dr Tony O’Connor (Researcher and Evaluator) and
Hector Kaiwai (Director Wai Rangahau)
Great to also see kaupapa Māori researchers from across the motu, many colleagues of which we have not seen since prior to COVID. Our thanks also to Matua Albie, Jason and Maria-Pare for the tautoko.