Tāmaki Region Whānau Direct Outcomes Report
June 2015-June 2017
This report is the first outcomes report produced by Te Pae Herenga o Tāmaki and is a
consequence of capacity building in the area of outcomes measurement, reporting and data
analytics. This report represents the beginning of the Tāmaki Collective’s ability to report on
outcomes achieved by whānau who have been engaged with Providers through the delivery of
Te Pou Matakana funded Whānau Ora programmes.
This report describes the immediate outcomes achieved by whānau who have utilised Whānau
Direct to access resources to meet their immediate needs. The report findings reveal that
whānau who were engaged with Providers across the Tāmaki region were most likely to have
low incomes and have immediate needs relating to basic household furnishings and
amenities, and the reduction of financial stress caused by outstanding or overdue bills for
rental accommodation, utilities, car registrations, car repairs and maintenance. In addition,
they were also likely to have immediate needs relating to physical and personal health, such
as General Practice and prescription medicine costs, eye examinations, purchasing of glasses
and hearing aids, urgent dental needs, orthopedic shoes, and the need for exercise gear to
attend free community classes and participate in sports and recreation activities.